Monday, June 6, 2011

Not Forgotten

I love to dance.  I adore dancing.  Unfortunately I am also about as lithe and graceful as a platypus.  My earthly body was designed for many wonderful things -- prancing a cross a dance floor is apparently not one of them.

But man, when I get to Heaven, me and Jesus are gonna boogie.

And this is what we're gonna dance to.

Just listen to this song and try to stay sitting down.  Just try. =^D



  1. I love this post! We love dancing around here, too! God Bless..and you boogie away all your Spirit moves you to do..rhythm or not!

  2. I didn't know platypuses were lithe.... humph. Learn somethin' every day. Yessiree :-)
    We dance a lot over at our place too. I can honestly say it is something I am really looking forward to when I get married someday- having a dance partner. Somehow my 15 year old brother just doesn't *quite* cut it :-)
    Dear Birdie, if you truly would like a striped bag like the one that was so suddenly taken from view, I would be glad to make another one and reserve it for you on the shop. If you are interested, just email me. If not, that's cool too :-)
    God bless,
