Friday, June 10, 2011

Stream of Consciousness.

This is just a series of semi-disjointed thoughts while I muster up the energy to clean the kitchen.  I swear, every time I turn my back a pile of stinky dishes materializes out of a rift in the time-space continuum.

God doesn't "send" us to Hell.  We're already on our way there.  Because of Original Sin we are cut off from God -- we cut ourselves off from God -- and are damned the moment we are capable of rational decision-making.  God wants desperately to save us, but because of free will we have to choose to be saved.

If you think about it, life begins before conception.  A single cell is still a living thing.  Human life begins when that egg is fertilized.  It's kind of mind-blowing to think that God was already in the process of creating the next generation when we were born.

Submitting to my husband doesn't mean nodding stupidly and saying "yes dear" to everything he says.  In this context it means trusting that he will lead and care for our family's well-being.  Leadership does not equal a cushy position of absolute power.  In fact, it is just the opposite -- being the leader of a family means that a husband puts the needs of his family above his own because he is responsible for their very survival.  A wife might have to answer to her husband, but he has to answer to God.

It seems to me that 'liberation' has had the unintended consequence of objectifying women.  If I go out in a dress that barely covers my whats-her-business, get slobbering drunk, and flirt shamelessly with a complete stranger, I'm liberated.  If I stay home and clean house in the pretty skirt and blouse that my husband made a point of appreciating, I'm oppressed.  Um... what?

OK.  I'm really gonna get the kitchen clean tonight.  Really... hey look, a butterfly!

This might take a while.

<3 Birdie


  1. LOL :-)
    Oh my, it's the "about the do the dishes" rush of brilliance. I have that problem sometimes when I am about to go to bed.... only it's rarely really *brilliant*. Usually just weird. Yup.
    I couldn't agree more with your idea of liberation. As with so much in the world, their idea of liberty is simply a LIE. Who is the One who promises true freedom? It's not Woman's Day magazine, that's for sure! Christ. Christ. Christ. His way IS freedom. Amen!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Ok, I'll go back home now. Nice visiting though......

  2. OK... when there are dishes to do, I always have to go to the bathroom... always, ever since I was a little kid. Trufax. My parents always insisted it was a diabolical scheme to get out of doing kitchen work, but really it's this weird biological function I have goin' on. It has come in handy a time or two tho;-}

    My thoughts on "liberation" = what Ann said.
