Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gratitude. Or, "I just washed these sheets!"

I am thankful that:
  1. The monstrous gray spider that crawled across my husband's hand as he was folding laundry was just a wolf spider, and thus only gave him a major case of the hibbly-jibblies and not a nasty bite.
  2. Maybelline decided to potty on the hard linoleum floor instead of my new carpet.
  3. I can have clean, hot water whenever I want it and in any quantity.  Seriously, I am amazed daily by this.*
  4. My mom secretly stocked my pantry with antiseptic packages of skim milk because she knows how difficult it is for me to get to the commissary, and that the gas station by my house doesn't carry skim milk.
  5. Despite the fact that Little Lion Man regularly spits up all over every upholstered surface in my house, he is still fat and healthy and delightfully sweet-tempered.
  6. The gas station by my house carries Bluebell ice cream.
  7. While I don't like this new blog background, I *might* have gotten my comments section fixed.  You should check for me. ::hint, hint::

*Everybody should be able to have this.  Let's make that happen.


  1. Ah, it's so good to be thankful!

    We DO have so much to be thankful for...I am thankful for a lot, and one thing that comes to mind is that you left some very thoughtful, uplifting and encouraging comments on my blog, and I very much appreciate them.

    Thank you..I am thankful for you!

  2. Andrea,

    I'm glad I was able to offer some encouragement. :) I am so thankful that God has answered my prayer to find sisters in Christ!
